Typically the wait from the IRS when a return is electronically filed is fairly short, but as you may know, the Federal Government shutdown affected the offices at the IRS as well. During the beginning of the tax season, no returns were being processed due to the government agencies not functioning. Adding to that, the PATH Act (a federal mandate called: Protecting Americans Against Tax Hikes) may affect your refund, especially since you may have received the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC). The PATH Act is supposed to help guard tax filers like you against fraud, so they scrutinize every return receiving EITC and/or CTC stringently.

The acceptance of the federal return impacts the state return, so once the IRS issues their payment to you, then the state will follow up to 10 to 15 days later. (In certain cases you might receive your state refund first. This DOES NOT jeopardize your federal refund)

For the status of your refund see the following page  or you can call:



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